You will never guess which UK national newspaper interviewed my boss (and by default me too as I set it up) two days ago??? The clue is in the title! Save the Children are surprisingly working with this Tory rag with the highest UK readership of 9m Brits (who are these people???). However Save the Children assured me that the reporters wanted to do a upbeat piece on the positive impact of UK aid in Sierra Leone. Apparently Cameron wants to protect the aid budget mainly channelled through DFID (good on him if thats the case) and of course the Tory papers will obligue by showing what huge amount of good the UK taxpayer is doing in all these poor countries... 'look at all the babies we are saving!!' So.... on a wet Wednesday morning in Freetown I eyeballed the reporters and as much as I tried to dislike them (on principle of course), I really couldn't. They respectfully let my boss speak about the recent reforms and the benefits, largely bankrolled by DFID and they even listened to my contributions too and then asked intelligent questions. So all you Sun readers out there, watch out for the piece in the next couple of weeks!
And another ray of sunshine.... My old mate Steven is coming to Salone for work. I'd like to pretend that he is coming to visit me, as he will be my only 'sort of' visitor while I'm here. No-one else is brave (or daft) enough!! Anyway I have a long shopping list for him: I pukka pad (A4), some highlighters, cranberry tablets, strepsils, maltesers and a bottle of whisky (Single malt). They are all somehow connected (answers on a postcard please). I do hope I dont burst into tears when I see him....not seeing a single person who knows me for almost 4 months is actually quite tough. Thank God he isn't arriving on larium Wednesday!
The final rays of sunshine....my sister and nephew, just thought I'd stick in this photo for no apparent reason apart from the fact that I like it!!
Okay, so not only do I not know how all those items are connected, I don't even know what most of them are! Am I just an ignorant Yank? (Don't answer that, Carole.:-) Well, I do know what whisky is!