Yesterday morning we walked into town over Parliment hill and it was a truely beautiful day, all day. And of course I needed to pee, so my Sierra Leonian friend negociated with one of the police officers at the guard post of one the government buildings for me to use their toilet explaining that I needed to 'go ease myself''.
So the office leads me into the guard building and I'm bracing myself for the inevitable state of the toilet. However not only was it relatively clean, it actually flushed (most toilets just have a bucket of water next to them, if you are lucky!!) but the most shocking thing was the stack of automatic rifles in the corner of the toilet!
I suppose I should blog a bit more about my work??? I haven't left Freetown for a while but things have picked up a little. I am working on the Global fund round 10 proposals and I am writing a proposal on strengthening Leadership and I've stolen the NHS Leadership Qualities Framework as a guide (see photo). Also I'm helping with negociations and providing contracting expertise with the non-governmental hospitals so that they also can provide free health care to the target groups.... and a few other things. In 5 days I come home but apparently I'll still be working on these things from the UK, according to my colleagues!!!

One final thing... did I mention the fridge? Its one year old and purchased from Frankie and Howard, ex VSOs still in Freetown. Howard told me it was the only household appliance he had ever hugged. After living for a year in a VSO house and managing on the VSO allowance, with the only kitchen applicance being a 2 ring gas burner, then I can fully understand why hugging was involved!!! However despite keeping walking into the kitchen to look at my fridge and smile, I havent felt the need to cuddle it. It even has a freezer compartment but of course the only item in there is a bottle of Vodka!
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