Two weeks ago I was unpacking my 40kgs (exactly) of luggage, most of it consisting of books, clothes and toys given to me by friends to bring back for local children here. But there was so much donated I’m trying to arrange the free shipment of the rest of the stuff through a very kind construction company. My cunning plan to bring stuff back was neither cunning (random requests for thing from the people I met and would see again who had kids) nor a plan (end up with about 50kg of stuff!) Otto was brilliant and helped me to sort all the stuff out and decide what to bring with me plus of course driving me to all the way to Heathrow too of course via Scuzzy's 2nd home ... huge thanks!!!

So... later this year I’m going organise more coordinated approach to donating stuff... a can feel the need to write a list! Gavin, Alice and I are also trying to get out some essential antenatal equipment too which Gavin has collected. I am also going to be asking all my friends to donate money to local charities here (I'll check them out first) instead of buying christmas cards for work colleagues, so dear blog readers, please let me know if you are going to support me in this (

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